Breaking Bad Cycles: A Scorpio Eclipse

With tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio you may be confronted with self-sabotaging patterns around money, food, sex, or anything that brings up buried issues that you aren’t facing. This is the Scorpio way.

This Solar Eclipse may also have you thinking about your relationship to power and your compulsions.
Where do you feel out of control?
How does this play out in your relationships?

What can you let go of to come to a place of ease and internal peace? This is where we have to start if we really want to experience real power. Coming into a place of inner security, peace, and confidence is key to working through negative patterns that keep us stuck.

Power doesn’t come from outside sources anymore than happiness does. But our relationship with the physical world and with ourselves mirrors our relationship with power, and this is where we may see the eclipse play out for us.

When we don’t value ourselves we diminish our power. When we shun our power we shut down our connection to our soul. I find it helpful to remember that our power is a gift from God that we are here to use for our own benefit and the benefit of others, it’s not selfish, indulgent, or narcissistic!

Don’t fear your power, own it and embrace it. Letting the the things go that keep you disconnected from your power is the beauty of the Scorpio archetype. Once you’re connected to it, nothing can stop you.

Then you can enjoy watching your most intimate relationships, and (most importantly) your relationship with yourself deepen and grow.

Some questions to consider:

*How does your sense of personal power affect your relationships and your habits?

*Where are you not willing to be honest with yourself and see where you’re behaving as if you have no power? Observe where you have compulsive tendencies if you draw a blank here.

*Where are you shutting down and not opening yourself up to the love that you deserve?

The Sun just entered Scorpio this past weekend so expect a lot of these Scorpio themes to be a theme for the next month.

Eclipses usher in big changes that take months to fully implement. It’s a great time to be observant and present in your life to see what the Universe is showing you. Remember that these eclipses don’t affect everyone the same. If you have any planets in Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, or Leo around 2 degrees, you’ll feel this the most.

I’ll be back soon with some eclipse reflections, and some info on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in a couple of weeks.


A Taurus Lunar Eclipse


An Aries Full Moon