Your Guide to Thrive During the Spring Eclipse Season
On Wednesday, April 19 we will kick off the Aries - Libra eclipse cycle with a Solar Eclipse right next to Jupiter, making a square to Pluto.
If you’d like to book a session to learn about what this eclipse season means for you, click here to contact me and set something up! I’m offering a discounted pricing for Eclipse Season.
This is a powerhouse of a New Moon for a few reasons:
1. It's in the first sign of the zodiac - Aries. This cardinal fire sign is known for getting things started and moving forward with a lot of enthusiasm.
2. It's conjunct (closely positioned next to) Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter expands things and this is adding volume to the new moon energy.
3. It's making a square to Pluto in Aquarius which suggests that we will need to release something in order to move forward. This is the Plutonian archetype: what needs to be released, we have to let go of.
Be mindful of:
Being overly impulsive
Becoming impatient, remember that eclipses are part of 18 month cycles, and this eclipse is starting a new cycle. While you may feel a lot of energy and excitement, big changes take time.
Not wanting to face something that feels hard to do, or cutting a chord that needs to be cut
It's always best to be prepared and proactive with transits, especially Pluto transits. Knowing what areas of your chart are being activated by this eclipse will help you to understand what's going on in your life much better.
THINK BACK - April 19, 2004 was the last time we had an Aries Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees. What was going on then?
Two weeks later on May 5th we will have a a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.
This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will be opposing Uranus and Mercury in Taurus , Trine Mars in Cancer.
Water sign full moons, and especially lunar eclipses (remember that eclipses are just new and full moons on steroids) really get us into our feelings. With a lunar eclipse, it is a time of emotional release. Knowing where this eclipse lands in your chart will show what you’re ready to let go of.
This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will ask us to release feelings of guilt, shame, and powerlessness. You may feel a need to speak up or out about something that has felt heavy or burdensome for a long time. This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is ripe for releasing all of that. Let the things go that don't let you grow. Getting it all out will be healing for you.
Keep in mind that Eclipses are not the same for everyone. For some an eclipse can be life changing, and for others it's really not a big deal. It's important to look at your chart and see if it is activating anything in your birth chart. If you don't know how to do that, I am offering mini-sessions and extended sessions at a discounted price for Eclipse season. Click here if you’d like to set one up with me soon.
If you'd like a 60 minute or extended session we can look at the entire 18 month eclipse cycle and see what the big themes and activations are for you with the Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle.
THINK BACK - May 4, 2004 was the last time we had a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees. What was going on then for you?
Some more things to keep in mind:
1. Sleep may be difficult with these lunations. Aries is a lot of energy and can be very headstrong, so taking time to rest is important. Remember you have 18 months in this eclipse cycle and you don't have to take action on all of your big plans right now.
Uranus opposing a full moon can also feel quite electric and can leave you feeling restless. It's smart to make the most of this and use it to generate ideas, talk out what feels burdensome, and get moving in the new direction you're envisioning for yourself, but it's just as important to rest and give yourself time to breathe. Taurus season will remind us that taking time to rest gives us the endurance we need so we don't burn out.
2. Be bold and honest with yourself. We are beginning the Aries-Libra eclipse cycle and getting close to the end of the Taurus - Scorpio eclipse cycle. Life is a series of beginnings and endings and these are extra potent beginnings and endings.
3. Don't get dark. Astrology is useful when we take this information and make the most of it. Eclipses are not scary, they are pattern disruptors, and sometimes that's most helpful for us to grow.
I feel that life is almost entirely about two things: growth, and love. Know that this is what is always being asked of us and use the information you have to make the most out of what life brings you this eclipse season and always.
Talk to you soon!