A Libra New Moon

Sunday’s New Moon in Libra brings us excitement around relationships. It’s optimistic, and emotionally buoyant, as it is opposite Jupiter in Aries.

Oppositions hold tension, and with the Moon and Jupiter, we may see emotions bubbling over, love, anger, jealousy - any of it! Libra will always seek to balance the scales, but sometimes we have to see the imbalance before we can find the spot that’s just right.

Jupiter in Aries brings a lot of focus to the head, so be cautious if you're feeling particularly headstrong or feisty, the sun and moon are within five degrees of Mercury (retrograde) in the late degrees of Virgo, so we could start picking apart our partner and noticing every little flaw about them. Instead, lean towards seeing those we're in relationship with in the purest expression of who they are. Remember that healthy communication that is both honest and thoughtful, with the intent of lifting a person up is a great service.

Another aspect worth mentioning is that Mercury is traveling very close to Venus right now, as it retrogrades through the sign of Virgo, and these two planets are opposing Neptune in Pisces. The energy of this new moon has great potential for romance and love, for conversations that can move a relationship forward, or be a stepping stone to something phasing out when Mercury moves direct.

While the themes above are true for everyone, knowing where this new moon falls in your birth chart will best exemplify how this fresh energy is playing out in your life right now and throughout this moon cycle.

Aries Rising: This one is all about relationships for you. Remember that a healthy sense of Aries independence is critical when it comes to having a healthy partnership. Also, be sure it's not all about you.

Taurus Rising: Your health and daily routine may be up for a tweak. Taurus isn't a sign that is into the overhaul, so just pick one thing (maybe two) that you can improve this month. Your dream life may be more active right now, so pay attention to them and consider writing down anything you can remember.

Gemini Rising: It's a really creative time for you and you may find that being around people and mingling will inspire you even more! Gemini is great at this. There's also a great opportunity for an extra romantic weekend.

Cancer Rising: This new moon feels comfy and cozy to you in your fourth house. It's a nice time to be at home, literally, or you may find yourself feeling very at home with someone special in your life. Work has probably been a big focus, and this new moon may pull your attention back to your home life.

Leo Rising: Conversations with siblings and friends are likely, and maybe a short trip will actually satisfy a very deep need you didn't quite know you had.

Virgo Rising: Financial matters may be on your mind and how this ties to your sense of worth. It's also not a bad time to get rid of things that aren't elevating your life: clothes, shoes, books - if it's heavy it's time to chuck it. Rebalance the scales.

Libra Rising: This new moon lands in your first house of self. This is a personal new year for you in many ways! It's a great time to get some new clothes or try something new with your look. Relationships may have been a big focus lately, and this moon cycle is an opportunity to bring more focus to yourself and rebalance.

Scorpio Rising: Something that has been bothering you may become clear now, or you may realize there is something that has got to go. In a week or two, things will be much clearer. Health may be a big focus for you lately, and this moon cycle highlights your subconscious mind. What we think and believe, the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and plays out in our lives and our bodies.

Sagittarius Rising: A great time to be with your people, maybe a double date or a party. Also an opportunity to grow your network, and to be creative.

Capricorn Rising: Career may be on your mind, particularly ambitions versus the comfort you feel at home. It may be time to have a conversation about a work situation. On another note, if home feels more stressful than comfortable right now, it's a good time to work on that.

Aquarius Rising: This is a spiritual new moon for you. It may be a time where you feel very pulled to doing whatever connects you to the divine, whether that's traveling, praying, or signing up for a new class. You may also find yourself having conversations that expand your mind .

Pisces Rising: Money may be on your mind. Make sure all bills are in order, and think about ways you can earn more.


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