A New Moon in Taurus

Today's New Moon in Taurus is giving us a chance to step into sufficiency. 

Where have you felt uncared for, lost, or hopeless? 

Sometimes our reality reflects back to us what we long for the most, affirming our beliefs that we don't have enough, that we are not enough, just as we are. 

This new moon cycle is offering us a different way to see ourselves that is more durable, sustainable, down to earth, and connected to others. Today’s New Moon is working with Mars in Cancer (our motivation to nurture, our drive towards care and comfort), Neptune in Pisces (where we may feel overwhelmed on a soul level), as well as Pluto in Aquarius (a transformation that focuses on building community and helping others). 

Taurus is all about sustainability, simplicity, beauty, and taking it easy. This isn’t a time for lofty goals and strategizing; it’s a time to get rooted in the goodness that you already are, and build on that. 

"When you let go of trying to get more of what you don't really need, it frees up oceans of energy to make a difference with what you have. When you make a difference with what you have, it expands."

- Lynne Twist


The Full Moon in Sagittarius


Jupiter in Taurus