The Full Moon in Sagittarius

Tomorrow is a full moon in Sagittarius, and this full moon is forming a friendly aspect to Chiron in Aries, and moving away from the same aspect to Mars in Leo. 

Things are being revealed to us about who we are and what we need to feel free and embrace adventure. For Sagittarius, this is what life is all about. While there is potential for some heat or conflict with the aspect to Mars, the moon is working well with the planets it’s aspecting on this full moon.

So, don’t worry! What’s coming up for you internally right now will be helpful even if it feels somewhat uncomfortable. 

For some of you, this may not feel uncomfortable at all, it all depends on your birth chart and how this full moon lands for you. :) 

I am still offering mini-readings at NO charge. If you are interested simply reply to this email and we can set up a time.  I hope to hear from you!

Wishing you an invigorating breakthrough and a great weekend.


Cancer Season and Emotional Nourishment


A New Moon in Taurus