Virgo Season, A First Quarter Moon, and Mercury RX
This post is a little longer than usual. If you only have a minute or two, read the Universal Gem as well the horoscope for your Sun and Rising Sign to get the gist of what’s going on for you. And as always, you can schedule a reading for me if you want an in-depth look at your chart.
Universal Gem: Fighting for what you believe in only matters when it’s done with heart, in the spirit of service. If you’re feeling angst or irritability, take a breather and review your motives and how your thoughts are tied to what fuels you. There is some tension this week but the Universe is offering us a period to review and reflect before we make changes. Any conflict that comes up this week will lead you to resolutions that offer more efficiency, freedom, and fun. The full moon about a week from today will offer us more information that will help us as we move forward.
Look to your Sun and Rising Sign horoscope to best understand how this is playing out for you right now.
Mars Opposite Neptune were in very late degrees as we approached today’s first quarter moon in Sagittarius.
Mars is nearing the end of it’s journey through Virgo and is opposing Neptune, retrograding through Pisces.
Any time an inner planet (such as Mars) is talking to an outer planet (such as Neptune), we pay attention. We often see things on the global scale that reflect the transit.
With Mars and Neptune, we may find ourselves angered about something that feels unclear or in the dark. We may see a theme of fighting for ideals or conflict fueled by beliefs. With this happening in the very late degrees of the sign, this is a final push. We are on the brink of something. Mars in Virgo brings a lot of discernment, so lean into your good judgment and don’t let anger or hostility take over. If something is angering you, look at how you can possibly be proactive rather than reactive. The fires in Maui and the concern and outrage over how it’s being handled is very reflective of this transit.
First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
The first quarter moon is the first area of tension in a new moon cycle. This first quarter moon in particular is occurring right as the sun enters Virgo. It’s time get productive, efficient and helpful. Where can you be of service? Are you currently helping out in a way that isn’t true to you? Moving out of Leo season we have new information on who we are and what our heart wants, Virgo season is about putting this into practice.
Read below to see what area of your birth chart this first quarter moon is highlighting as it can help illustrate how this moon cycle is beginning to unfold in your life. If the positive side of this spectrum is not what’s playing out for you, then it’s time to address it. The astrology will support your efforts to remedy it!
Aries: Focus on your health this month and how what you believe impacts how you feel. Learning something new or a new adventure or trip will rejuvenate you mentally and physically.
Taurus: Focus on creativity and your resources with others this week. Where can you collaborate with others to really focus on doing what you enjoy?
Gemini: Bringing order to your home can rejuvenate your relationships. Maybe you and your partner want to do some deep cleaning.
Cancer: Discussions with friends about health and routine. A trip to a new restaurant with a friend will rejuvenate you.
Leo: Tidy up your finances and you will feel free to be creative and have more fun!.
Virgo: Your approach to life is reflective in your living space. It’s a great time to revamp your look and your home. Think healthfulness and nurturing: both are a focus here.
Libra: What we think and talk about is reflective of our what we hold in our subconscious. If you feel a heaviness in your mind right now, a good discussion with a trusted friend or a marathon journaling session will work wonders.
Scorpio: It’s time to revisit your hopes and dreams for the future and how it all affects your finances.
Sagittarius: Your work in the world is affected by your approach to life. If you’re not feeling the magical Sagittarian enthusiasm, see what’s dampening your spirits and see if you’ve lacking new experiences in your life that are so crucial to maintaining that strong Sag vibe.
Capricorn: Your sense of adventure and freedom is helped or hindered by your subconscious beliefs. You may have interesting dreams this week that show you things that are holding you back.
Aquarius: Your shared resources are a focus this month and this week you may find yourself thinking about your vision for the future more than usual. See what you already have and how your network can support where you want to go.
Pisces : You may find a clash between work and relationships, or you may find that they’re blending together so nicely. Either way, these two important parts of your life will be on your radar!
Virgo Season
Every sign takes all of the lessons from the signs that come before it. Virgo takes the lessons from Aries independence and leadership, Taurus reliability and endurance, Gemini critical thinking, Cancerian sensitivity and nurturing, Leo heart and creativity and compounds it all into one efficient means to be of service. After Virgo we move into Libra and we start to focus on how we relate to others and the world.
Like I mentioned earlier, Virgo takes all these gems and puts it into a helpful act of service. What are your gifts and how can they help out? This is the question of this cycle. Virgo is not about giving away of yourself, but being selfless with your gifts and making efficient use of them. It’s about boundaries as well: maintaining your health and the goodness of your life while also helping others. Use your discernment when it comes to how you share your gifts. Your time and energy is precious, and no sign will make you more aware of how precious it is, than Virgo.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Mercury is in it’s rulership in the sign of Virgo, so no need to stress about this retrograde. Virgo is here to analyze, correct, and perfect. Be wary of your inner perfectionist coming through, however, don’t hesitate to fix what’s ready to be fixed. You may see the details that are the underbelly of a conundrum that’s been weighing on you for a while, or something that came up around the time of the Mercury- Saturn opposition that brought up a bit of struggle for many of us earlier this month.
It’s not a scary RX, it’s avoiding Mars and Neptune with this retrograde (would have been a conjunction and opposition) - this tells us that there is power in waiting and thinking it over. Not everything needs to be a rushed decision. It’s also avoiding a trine and sextile with Pluto and Uranus, respectively, while making a beautiful aspect with Jupiter and joining the Sun. Overall, this Mercury retrograde is more strong and helpful, less chaotic.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. If you enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to the people you love who would benefit from it!
As always, if you’d love to explore your chart in-depth and see what the astrological energy means for you, contact me here and we can set up a time.