Eclipse Reflections and Sagittarius Season
The November 8th Lunar eclipse in Taurus likely brought things to light for you that may have been unpleasant or uncomfortable to sit with. It may have not been obvious. While eclipses are a bigger deal as far as astrology goes, sometimes what they bring us is more subtle. I hope you’re all feeling a bit lighter and more free by now, which is appropriate for celebratory Sagittarius season!
Sagittarius is a fun sign. Sag is always up for adventure, seeking and speaking the truth, until it isn’t. Astrology is full of generalizations and these basic archetypal descriptions don’t do justice to what we actually experience in our lives. So let’s dig a little deeper with Sag, shall we?
Sagittarius comes after Scorpio, and each sign contains lessons from the signs that came before it. So it would behoove us if during this holiday season we don’t carry with us what we learned from Scorpio season and it’s eclipses. There can be a fine line between celebration and excess and during emotionally turbulent times it’s easy to cross over into excess and extremes which often lead us into feelings of emptiness. Extremes and emptiness is something that we learn a lot with Scorpio, but we can learn it with Sagittarius too if we don’t have a strong sense of faith and a spiritual anchor. These recent eclipses helped us see where we are pushing too much and not letting go of something that is weighing us down and leaving us longing for something of real substance.
Fill your cup this Thanksgiving but don’t fill it with whatever is available. Choose something really beautiful for yourself. Because what Sagittarius is really about is expansion and seeing the big picture which always leads us to the truth. Excess and extremes is little picture and running away from the truth of who we are. Every sign will lead us deeper into the truth of who we are if we embrace these archetypes within us.
This New Moon in Sagittarius and the holidays ask us to go inward and remember the power of who you are. Even on our worst days we carry light and warmth within us, we are loved by our Creator, here for a reason, and that reason is always tied to love.
Wishing you a beautiful Sagittarius Season!