Your Precious Energy and the Full Moon in Gemini
Be mindful of overstimulation this week and how that overstimulation can impact your strength in all areas of life.
A sense of wounding or old hurts may come to mind or appear in dreams.
Rather than spinning with thoughts, info, ideas, and busy-ness, make a list or a plan to work out of any funk or place in your life where you are back and forth or you feel uncertain or lack confidence in yourself. Every day you commit to yourself and act on that commitment, you grow.
Getting clear on what you value most is crucial. Stick to that. Plan around that. You will only benefit from Gemini changeability and flexibility if you are working from a solid, stable place with a strong spiritual anchor. Keep what is most important to you at the forefront of your mind, always.
Sometimes it feels like everyone and everything is vying for your time, attention, money and energy. Choose wisely what you want to focus on. Take care of your body, minimize stimulation and get your rest. Remember that your energy and time is precious.
Lots of Love,