Venus Retrograde Horoscopes for Each Sign

Retrogrades are always a period of review with whatever Relationships, aesthetics, beauty, and money being the main things that Venus rules.

These external things are reflective of and also impact our inner world: what we believe and how we feel about ourselves, our sense of value and self-worth.

Are you seen for who you really are in relationships?

Are you hiding or shining through what you wear and how you present yourself to the world?

This transit is very much about reflecting on where we’re at and where we can be more true to who we are. Following your heart is never as pertinent a it is with a Venus Retrograde in Leo!

Once Venus starts moving forward there will be an ease to being more yourself and expressing from the heart. It will start to feel more natural.

Below I have described the themes of Venus Retrograde for each sign. It’s helpful to read for both your Sun and Rising sign to get the best understanding of this transit for you. If you have any planets in your birth chart that are in the sign of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus. You will likely feel the need to re-visit Venusian things more than the rest.

Aries - Love and creativity are emphasized during this Venus retrograde for you. A new romance or creative project could be on the horizon. Old patterns will be addressed and you can move further into independence.

Taurus - You may want to deep clean your house or redesign an element of your home. You may also feel a deep need to be more seen and authentic within your family. A good time for re-establishing your sense of being rooted and grounded.

Gemini - Are your friends and community truly supportive of you? Are you communicating from a place of authenticity? The way you think will affect how you speak and who you surround yourself with. Be yourself and communicate from a position of strength and confidence.

Cancer- Are you earning an income from a place of creativity and authentic self - expression? Now is a time where you may find yourself wondering if you can create something that brings value to the world that is more intrinsically rewarding. It’s also a time to reassess finances and see where (perhaps) you’re being over-extravagant.

Leo -  It’s really time to show up in your life, fully. You will likely notice where you’ve been hiding or where you’ve been playing a part that no longer feels good to you. Take your time. There is no pressure or rush, but don’t ignore the urge to change.

Virgo -  It’s time to clean out your psychological closet. Your critical eye can shut the heart down. Now more than ever it will be easier to see how this has played out in your life and kept you feeling small. The more you tune into your heart, the greater your service can be.

Libra  - Make time to reassess your associations, goals and dreams. As a relationship focused sign, shift the focus onto yourself more than usual; it will be healing for you.

Scorpio  - Are you valued in the workplace and are you doing what you really want in the world? This is an opportunity to bring even more heart and passion into what you do already.

Sagittarius - What’s your message right now and where are you expanding your life? If the answer is nothing and nowhere, this retrograde period may remind you of something you used to stand for or believe in that you’ve lost touch with.

Capricorn  - Attention may be brought to things you co-own as well as financial matters. This may also be a deeply transformative time as you readjust your lens with how you feel into your sense of personal power.

Aquarius - This Venus retrograde is very much about relationships for you. Invest in yours. Be sure you’re showing up for yourself and the other, and seeing you and the other for who they truly are. Don’t be timid about showing your heart.

Pisces - It’s time to see how your daily routine impacts your relationships and your appearance. Invest in good habits to recharge these aspects of your life.

We’re approaching a first quarter moon as we enter this transit, so change and action is in the air with several planetary movements happening right now. Take your time and observe what comes up during this time, the right moves to make will be clear exactly when they need to be.


The Full Moon in Aquarius


A Pivotal New Moon in Cancer, Opposing Pluto